our little secret: the 23andme musical
July 11 - 13 • 7:00PM
red barn at the eddie

Written and Performed by Noam Tomaschoff

Composed by Ryan Peters
Developed with and Produced by Russell Citron

What does a 31-year old theatre kid do when he finds out his parents aren't quite who he thinks they are? Write a musical, of course! Our Little Secret: the 23andMe Musical is the hilarious, moving, and completely true story of the suddenly not-so-only child Noam Tomaschoff as he grapples with questions of family, identity, and just how many brothers and sisters he really has. With a deft blend of comedy, drama, and wide ranging musical styles, Noam takes the audience on the roller coaster ride of emotions he experienced over a year of discovery, ending with a message of optimism that is sure to make you hold your family just a little bit tighter.

In July of 2023, Our Little Secret burst onto the Toronto theatre scene and took the Fringe Festival by storm, selling out its run and winning both the Best of Fringe and Patron’s Pick awards.

Catch this award-winning musical before it heads to the Edinburgh Fringe!

All Tickets are $40 (plus applicable taxes & fees)